Witte, De

Did you have a good time?
- Yes. Is something the matter?

Did you have enough money
to stay there so long?

Give that money back.
- Why d'you do it?

I've only got two.
- Wheedling money out of your brother

and then saying you haven't got any.
It can't go on like this.

Go to you room and stay there.
- It's always the same here.

It's always my fault.
I get more beatings than meals.

I'm fed up.
I'm going to end it.

No. Don't do that. Don't do it.
I know another good one.
Middle of winter, snow outside and
it's freezing. 15 degrees below zero.

Someone comes into a bar,
all wrapped up warm.

He says: Have you got any cold coffee?
The barmaid says: Cold coffee?

Yes, cold coffee. She says, yes.
Heat it up then, he says.

Lads, a polka. One, two.
