Absence of Malice

''lnformed sources''...
''Well informed...''

If he wanted to leak the story, why
didn't he just tell me off the record?

Instead of talking out of school, he has
you snooping through government files.

- ''Sources in the federal building''?
- That sounds like the janitor.

''Knowledgeable sources.''
''Knowledgeable sources.''
- Why did Rosen want it out?
- Maybe he's trying to be a nice guy.

Maybe he wants us to owe him a favour.
Maybe he likes your legs.

If we try to figure out why people
leak stories, we'll publish monthly.

Davidek better read this.
Now then, madam, you propose to say
that Mr Michael Colin Gallagher -

- is the proximate cause of the demise
of the esteemed Mr Diaz.

It only says he's under inVestigation.
Mr Gallagher will think we make him out
a murderer, as will his friends.

Let us assume he is neither a murderer,
nor the subject of investigation.

Let's suppose that your story proves
to be false on its face.

It's true.
If newspapers only printed the truth,
they needn't employ attorneys like me.

- I read the file.
- I'm only concerned with the law.

The only question is: What protection do
we haVe if it proves to be false?

Mr Gallagher is not a public official.
Nor is he likely to become one.

Pity. Is he a public figure?
He's not going to sue! What does it take
to make him a public figure?

If I knew that, I should be a judge.
They never tell us till it's too late.

I'd be more comfortable if he were
a movie star or a football coach.

Football coaches are Very safe indeed.
Have we spoken with Mr Gallagher?

- We don't call the mafia for comment.
- Please, make the attempt.

If he talks, we'll include his denials
to create the appearance of fairness.

If he declines to speak,
we can hardly be responsible for errors.
