Absence of Malice

Michael hates it.
I have a story for you.

Gallagher is innocent, you were
with him the night they got Diaz.

- I'm used to dealing with girlfriends.
- Why do you think I'm a girlfriend?

- Just a hunch.
- I'Ve never been Michael's girlfriend.

I'Ve known him since childhood.
We're friends.

- Of course you think he's innocent.
- No, I know he's innocent.

Because I was with him at the time.
I don't want you to say it was me.

I see. Where were you?
I can't tell you that.
Well, how do you remember this?
I mean, it was ten months ago.

Do you remember where you were
the day Kennedy was shot?

Can you proVe it?
I don't know.
You're Very loyal, if that's what it is.
But I can't write a story -

- that says someone claims
Gallagher is innocent -

- and won't say how or why
or even giVe her name.

I am assistant to the principal
at San Ignacio School and -

- the publicity would be...
I just can't.

- Suit yourself.
- You printed that other story!

That was different.
I knew where it came from.

- You don't believe me?
- I'Ve never met you before.

You want me to write he's innocent,
but I can't use your name.

You say you were with him
and won't tell me where.

If I told you... just you,
would it have to be in the paper?

Why? If it has nothing to do with Diaz.
It's priVate.

I can't promise you anything.
I'll speak to my editors about it.
