Absence of Malice

Excuse me, Michael.
I can't go home like this.
I need something to wear.

I'll haVe this returned to you.
Couldn't you see what it was to her?
Couldn't you stop scribbling
for a second, -

- just put down
your goddamn ballpoint pen?

Didn't you see her?
Didn't you like her?

It was Rosen. Elliott Rosen.
He runs the strike force.

He's the one that leaked
the story about you. I don't know why.

I have to go now, Michael.
I'm Very tired.

- Were they in Atlanta?
- I got them on the manifest.

Either he did it, or he knows who
did it, or he can find out who did it.

- He sure isn't easy.
- See if Meersma got anything from IRS.

You think we should let this cool down?
No. I'm sorry about Perrone,
I got a job to do.

This thing isn't just gonna go away.
I still gotta find who hit Diaz.

That's what they're paying me for.
''The hour has come
for the Son of Man to be glorified.

''The hour has come
for the Son of Man to be glorified.

I solemnly assure you, unless the grain
of wheat falls to the earth and dies, -
