Absence of Malice

Yeah. I came into some extra money
a couple of days later.

You made these contributions
anonymously. Why?

- I wanted them to be anonymous.
- I'll bet. Tell us why.

I didn't want people
asking for contributions!

You made them anonymously
because you were paying off.

Prove it.
If you in fact told Mr Quinn that you
would act as a goVernment informant...

No. I said
that I'd see what I could find out.

- What are you finding out?
- Nothing. Nobody wants to talk about it.

Son of a bitch! You're trying
to frame me. He set me up!

He arranged the meetings,
he got me on his answering machine, -

- he's got the cancelled checks.
He's trying to frame me!

- What's his motiVe?
- To get even, you dummy.

You two guys ought to get married.
- Mr Gallagher, are you that smart?
- You're damn right he is.

Miss Carter... you seem to know a lot
about what's going on around here; -

- I'd like to ask you
where these stories came from.

SaVe your objections, counsellor,
this ain't a courtroom.

Now, Miss Carter, this story about
Mr Gallagher, the first one...

I had reason to believe the strike force
was investigating Mr Gallagher.

- I confirmed it.
- How did you confirm it?

- Objection. You are asking...
- Wait a minute.

I want to answer this.
- I read the file.
- Did you, now?

How did you come to read the file?
I was talking with Mr Rosen.
It was lying on his desk.
