Absence of Malice

Where are you headed?
I don't know. I guess I've got
a couple of moves left in me.

But you don't know where?
I'm not sure.
People are going south and west.

I think I'll go north and east.
You can go clear to the Hudson River, -

- I mean, clear to Canada,
on the inland waterway.

The north-east.
I was raised in the north-east.

I had my firstjob there the summer
when I was 16 on the Berkshire Eagle.

I wonder if they'd haVe me back.
Feeling sorry for yourself?
I know you think
what I do for a living -

- is nothing.
But it really isn't nothing.
I just did it badly.

Why do I get the feeling your going
north-east has to do with your daughter?

You probably are a hell of a reporter.
Not yet.
Have a good trip.
I get the feeling I wanna say...
Could I write?
But I'm afraid to hear your answer.

Maybe I'll see you one of these days.
I'd like that.
