Blow Out

- Get something new.
- New wind. Got it.

- And that scream. We gotta dub that.
- All right. Know any good screamers?

- I got a few ideas.
- I bet you do.

Just worry about the scream.








...a sweeping condemnation
of White House policies.

The same poll gave evidence
of a ground swell of support

for Governor George McRyan
in his bid for nomination.

If an election were held today, Governor
McRyan would win hands down,

drawing a remarkable 62 per cent
of the vote to the president's 23.

The president's campaign manager,
Jack Manners, told reporters. :

The president's had to make
some tough decisions.

But when these policies are carried out
and the economic climate improves,
as we confidently expect it will,

the people will rally to support
the president in the upcoming primaries.


A lot can happen between now and then.
Congress waits anxiously for Governor
McRyan to declare his candidacy.

They may not have long to wait. The
governor is now at the Bellevue Stratford

where he will soon address the kickoff
dinner of the Liberty Day celebration.

Some people think he will use the
occasion to throw his hat into the ring.
