Body Heat

Look who's here.
lsn't this a coincidence.

l know you.

You're the one who hates
talking about heat.

-Too bad. l'd talk about chimes.
-What about them?

The wind chimes on my porch.
They keep ringing
and l go out, expecting a cool breeze.

That's what they always mean.
But not this year.

This year it's just hot air.
Do l remind you of hot air?

Bourbon, any kind, on the rocks.
Do you want another?

-What are you doing in Pinehaven?
-l'm no yokel.

l was all the way to Miami once.
Some men, once they get a whiff of it,
they trail you like a hound.

l'm not that eager.
-What's your name, anyway?
-Ned Racine.

Matty Walker.
NED: You all right?
MATTY: Yes, l'm fine.

My temperature runs a couple
of degrees high, around 1 00.

l don't mind.
lt's the engine or something.

Maybe you need a tune-up.
Don't tell me.
You have just the right tool.

l don't talk like that.
How did you find me, Ned?
This is the only joint in Pinehaven.
You shouldn't have come.
You're going to be disappointed.

What did l do?

A lot of them have tried that seat.
You're the first l've let stay.
You must come here a lot.
-Most men are little boys.
-Maybe you should drink at home.

-Too quiet.
-Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.
