Chariots of Fire

Well done, Eric, son. Well done.
He'll be right in ajiffy.
I'll go away and get his clothes.

You take good care
of this lad o' yours, Mr McGrath.

Because if you drop him,
you'll never find another one like this.

It's not the pretiest quarter
I've ever seen, Mr Liddell.

But certainly the bravest.
Get him up. Come on, gently.
Keep your arm around.
Mr Mussabini.
Mr Abrahams, is it?
So you've travelled 300 mile just to see me?
You and Liddell.
I'd heard you were both the best.
And what do you think now?
Eric Liddell?
I've never seen such drive,
such commitment in a runner.

He runs like a wild animal.
He unnerves me.
So he should.
He frightens the living daylights out of me.
I want you to help me take him on.
Tell me, Mr Abrahams. Are you married?
No. Why?
when the right girl comes along,
how will you feel if she pops the question?
You see, Mr Abrahams,
like the bridegroom,
it's the coach that should do the asking.
Mr Mussabini,
I can run fast.
With your help, I think I can run even faster.
Perhaps faster than any man ever ran.
