Chariots of Fire

I believe that God made me for a purpose.
For China.
But he also made me fast.
And when I run... I feel his pleasure.
To give it up would be
to hold him in contempt.

You were right.
It's notjust fun.
To win is to honour him.
I've got my degree to get.
All that work.
Then there's Paris.
The Olympic Games.
There's just not enough of me.
I'm asking you to manage
the mission on your own

till then.
Will you do that for me, Jennie?
Andy, I've lost him.
Can't reach him.
You will, old girl. You will.
He says he needs to clear his mind of me.
He can't love me and say that.
The world's against him, or so he believes.
Now he's got a chance to prove himself.
He can't see or hear anything
beyond that, not even you.

It's hard, I know,
but you've just got to try and understand.

- Why should I?
- Because he's what you want, isn't he?

What about you?
And Stallard and Aubrey?
You're still the same.
The chance is there for you too.
