Coup de torchon

I haveenough troubIesof my own.
What good isan empty prison?
He's dumber than we thought.
That's true.
Morning, Mr. Cordier.
Coffee's ready.

Andthat's nota prisoner?
That one's mine!
Youdidn'tmention him.
Becausehe's mine.
We'lIjust borrowhim, Pops.
Buthe's old and stonedeaf.
Can he makecoffee?
- He poisoned his wife.
- But can he makecoffee?

Notvery weIl, no.
It's notbad atalI.
Superb! Bring him over tomorrow.
- What's your name?
- Féte-Nat.

So you were born
on BastilIe Day, like me.

You'vegotagood life
here in Bourkassa.

Better than in France.
Youmay be right there.
I can't complain.

I'vegot freehousing,
the wireless, bath, electricity...

At times - notalways - l think
I've found paradiseon earth.

Butyou'restilIa zero!
Shit, he feIl.
He wentpIop!
That's notvery nice.
It wasan accident.
Youdidn'tbreak anything.
We were kidding.
Yeah, just kidding.
Then that's different.
Ooh, heslipped.
''Féte-Nat'' isn'ta saint's name,
is it?

No, it's the 14th of July!
I don't get it.
You're a jerktoo.
Butit's true.
''National holiday''!
Oh, ''Féte NationaIe''!
Your hand's shaking, Féte-Nat.
