Eye of the Needle

I don't know, darling.
..a girl with long blonde hair
with diamonds in it.

- Do you know what diamonds are?
- Sort of treasures, aren't they?

I must cut your hair soon.
If you didn't,
would it grow and grow and grow?

Yes. It would grow down to your ears.
Then it would go down to your chin.
Then it would grow down past here.
Then it would curl up here.

Then it would start tickling your feet,
and we'd all have to get out of the bath.

Because if people don't
get out of their baths, they melt.

But I haven't.
Mummy, can I have my room back?
Of course you can. Come on, darling.
Get out of the bath.
Do try not to cross-question him.
I'm not cross-questioning.
It's perfectly normal to wonder who he is.

I just think it would be nice
if you didn't go on at him.

I'm only trying to find out what happened.
Come in.
