Nice Dreams

Stop it. Noodles, stop it.
Noodles, no more. Stop it!

Stop it! Jesus, Noodles.
You're driving me nuts.

Turn that damn TV off, will you?
It's giving me a headache.
My eyes are killing me.
Let's get some light on.

All right, you two guys.
We're going to go through it
one more time, boys.

Where are those two guys?
Who is your boss?
Are you working for them?
Huh? Come On.

Hi, Sarge.
I can't get a damn thing out of these guys.
They ain't talking.

This is all I can get out of them.
Buds, good, big.
Good buds, big. Big, buds.
Good, big buds.

I don't know what to make of it.
Big, big.
Big buds. Big good. Big. Mr. Big.
Mr. Big. Yes!
Noodles, it's Mr. Big!
Mr. Big is good. Mr. Big is bud.
Bud Good, Bud Good. Mr. Big is Bud Good.
That's it! We gotta bust them.
We gotta bust Bud Good, right?

Are we going to bust them, Sarge?
No, I knew that.
Noodles, why don't you help me?

- Tail.
- Tail, tail? We tail Bud Good.

That's what we do. We tail Bud Good.
I knew it. You're a genius, Sarge.
