
I work these people hard. . .
. . .and I let them play hard.
When it comes time
for them to let off steam. . .

. . .you have to allow them some room.
Long as no harm's done,
just give them a little room.

Understand what I'm saying, Marshal?
Thanks for the advice, Mr. Sheppard.
We're all professionals.
I'm sure we are.
Drop by my office.
We'll talk some more.
I'll do that.
Don't get your nose out of joint.
What was that all about?
-It's just his way.
-I don't like his way.

-Don't mess with him.
-He's an asshole.

A very powerful asshole.
Don't mess with him.

He's just trying to sniff you out.
The last marshal kept things
running smooth. That's all they want.

Things run smooth,
they make their money.

Nobody's here for their health, and they
certainly aren't here for the scenery.
