Quella villa accanto al cimitero

of Eric Peterson's caIiber.
I teII you boy.
You're the onIy man who
can keep this project from
going down the drain.

Apart from the 5000 more
you're going to be earning

per year.
You were Peterson's protege
and aIso I beIieve,

one of his best friends.
I know you are itching to
cIear up his suicide.

Tough one to expIain.
But I know you'II get to the
bottom of it.

WeII, I'II try.
The important is that when
this huge project gets

pubIished, it'II have just
your name on it.

Think what authorship
can mean.

Yeah, pubIish or perish.
What do you think Eric
wouId have done

in a situation Iike that?
WeII, I don't know.
No idea.
It's scary.
He organized the project
Got it underway
And then for no reason...
And abandoned everything...
SIaughtered his mistress
And there he was,
researching suicide.
The times we have to Iive in
WeII boy, when schooI's over
I'II drive up there to see

I adore New EngIand.
I'II be Iooking forward to
it, sir.

Bye bye.
Norman, why my pIants?
Pennie's gonna water them.
They're pretty
Oh, for good's sake.
New EngIand's fuII of pIants
Be carefuI. Give it to me.
I don't trust Penny.
What do you think?
Everything here?
I think it's aII here
But I reaIIy don't know how
we're gonna fit it aII in

Think positive.
By the way,
have you been to see
Mrs. Peterson?

No need to.
