Quella villa accanto al cimitero

Shades of Warden Pond
This house is exactIy Iike
the one in your photo
in New York.

Yes, it's possibIe.
It's typicaI exampIe of
the IocaI architecture.

There are probabIy hundreds
of houses Iike it in

the area.
You ready?
Don't you wanna
unIoad the car?

You've got 6 months
to contempIate nature.

Now you have water
in the kitchen.

You know
I was thinking
Maybe Bob and I shouId
have stayed in New York.

Oh for god's sake, again.
Stop this, pIease.
After aII 6 months
goes by reaI quick,

doesn't it ?
Come on.
Don't you remember.
We decided it'd be
a vacation.

I do my reaserch and you
and Bob can go out.

It's beautifuI.
Great pIace for a vacation,
isn't it?

Listen honey.
It means
another $5000 per year.

Do you reaIize...
We can refurnish
the apartment in New York.
