
So it's your father. So what?
Damn near everybody here has got
a mother or father hanging around outside.

- You don't.
- Yeah, well, I'm a hard case.

- Sorry.
- Forget it.

Look, at least your old man has got
a nodding acquaintance with the real world.

Hell, I like him.
Everybody likes my old man.
You do too, Brian. Admit it.
That's why you're so scared.

No, I ain't scared.
I don't know if I like him.
I'm still thinking about it.

Yeah, well, don't rush into anything.
When my mother died I was sitting
in the hallway in the army hospital.

I was worried as hell. I knew she was
real sick. She had this bad kidney thing.

So I'm sitting there
and my father comes out of the room

and tells me that she's dead.
He led me to this little chapel they had there
and he sat me down
and he told me I could cry for 15 minutes.

He gave me 15 minutes to cry
and after that I wasn't supposed to cry again.

So he left me alone in the chapel
and came back...
he came back 15 minutes later.

- Jesus. What did you do?
- Well, I did what I was told.

I cried for 15 minutes.
