
So take a shit under a hot rock.
Hey, Frank.
Frank, what's doin', boss man?

- Give me my wrench back, you hear?
- There's your tool.

- Can't work without a tool.
- I try my best. I see you can do it.

"Nothing new ever happens around here."
"..making life happen."
"Like you said...
collecting your debt back from society."

"l gotta see ya. Your pal, Okla."
"Gotta see ya."
(radio news in background)
Gimme a tall one, will ya?
- Barry's been callin' you.
- When?

I don't know.
Couple of times the last half-hour.

- Huh?
- Three times. 5329234.

- Gimme the phone, will ya?
- Yeah.

- Hello?
- Where are you?

- Where you been?
- You make the pick-up?

I'm in a phone booth. Trying to find one
that works. I have not made the pick-up.

We got a problem. Can you talk?
- No. Did you see our man?
- No. Cos there was no man.
