Time Bandits

There's still so much wealth
to redistribute.

Oh, I'd like to stay.
Jolly good.
What's your name ?

- Uh, Ke--
- Ke-- What a jolly nice name.

- Let me go.
- Well, never mind.

- Cheerio. Thank you very much.
- [ Kevin Struggling ]

Thank you very much.
Thank you very, very,
very, very much.

Awful people.
- This can't wait !
- I'll never get a chance
to meet Robin Hood again.

- Any chance of a rescue ?
- Stop moaning !

He's obviously a dangerous man.
Unbalanced, if you ask me.

Giving away
what isn't even his !

That's what Robin Hood
always did. Even I know that.

- Oh, of course. You know it all.
- He was one of my heroes.

Heroes ! Heroes !
What do they know about a day's work ?

- Leave him alone, Randall !
- Well, it makes me sick.

Anyone who's always right
makes me sick.

- That's why you get on with yourself !
- Watch it !

- Big mouth !
- Horseflesh wouldn't
have got us into this.

- Horseflesh is dead.
- Then give me the map.
I'm taking over !

Get off me ! Get--
[ Arguing Continues ]

[ Thunderclap ]
So... these are
the sort of people...

the Supreme Being
allows to steal His map ?

Look at them.
Stunted little proles.

I wouldn't entrust them
to wipe their own noses.

Oh, no, sir. It's much
too difficult for them.

What sort of supreme being
created such riffraff ?

Is it not the workings
of a complete incompetent ?

But He created you,
Evil One.

What did you say ?
