True Confessions

How's your wife?
She left... with her tuna-fish
casserole recipe. Her one dish.

And your brother, the monsignor?
I used to listen to him on the radio,
when I was in the joint. The religious hour.

I bet he said a novena for you
every time you and I screwed.

What's on your mind, Brenda?
You ever notice how when you get old
your feet swell up?

I started noticing things like that
in the joint.

Your feet swell up,
your toenails get ridges...

Well, maybe you oughta
write a book about it.

You ever tell your brother in confession
that Jack was paying you off?

Or maybe he doesn't know
what a bagman is.

They don't teach them
things like that at the seminary.

What are you trying to say?
You ever wonder why Jack fixed it
so that you didn't get indicted and I did?

Jack wouldn't know me if he saw me.
Forget you. It was all that business
he was doing with your brother.

All those Catholic schools he was
building. You couldn't go on trial.

So he put in the fix downtown.
Somebody had to take the fall. Me.

Anything else?
Yeah. Get that stiff outta here.
Once a bagman, always a bagman.

Sorry about that.
- You know my temper.
- I need you like I need another fuck.

(? band plays)
