Blade Runner

No choice?
No choice, pal.
I already had an IQ test this year.
I don't think...

...I've ever had one of these.
Reaction time is a factor in this,
so please, pay attention.

-Now answer as quickly as you can.
-Yeah, sure.

1187 Hunterwasser.
-That's the hotel.

Where I live.
Nice place?
Yeah, sure, I guess.
There was an escape from
the Off-world colonies two weeks ago.

Six Replicants: three male, three female.
They slaughtered 23 people
and jumped a shuttle.

An aerial patrol spotted
the ship off the coast.

No crew, no sight of them.
Three nights ago they tried to break
into the Tyrell Corporation.

One of them got fried running
through an electricaI field.

We lost the others.
On the possibility they might try
to infiltrate as employees...

...I had Holden go over and run
Voight-Kampff tests on the new workers.

Looks like he got himself one.
So you look down and you see a tortoise;
it's crawling towards you.

A tortoise? What's that?
-Know what a turtle is?
-Of course.

Same thing.
I've never seen a turtle.
I don't get it. Why do they risk
coming back to earth for?

What do they want
out of the Tyrell Corporation?

Now you tell me, pal.
That's what you're here for.
-What's this?
-Nexus 6.

Roy Batty.
Incept date, 2016.
Combat model. Optimum self-sufficiency.
Probably the leader.
This is Zhora.
She's trained for an Off-world
kick murder squad.

Talk about Beauty and the Beast.
