Cat People

came up subsequent
to the original script.

As you pan up here you will be
panning into a Whitlock drawing.

One regret I had
about the release of the film

is I wished I had changed
the title of the film.

The Jacques Tourneur film, Cat People,
which this ostensibly was a remake of
but not much of a remake,

if I had just changed the title
I think those people would not have
beaten me up with the comparison.

There isn't much of a comparison
between the two films

other than the title and the premise that
people change form.
Here's the first of our many cats.
We used a whole variety
of animals on this.

Some real leopards,
some mountain lions dyed black.

This is a mountain lion dyed black.
We used a Chinese leopard
that we had dyed black.

Each animal's good for a different task.
Here again is a Whitlock painting.
This is all done on sound stage
at Universal.

This upcoming device,
which is used later on,
where you bleed through the faces -
today you could probably
line it up digitally,
