Cat People

When he goes crazy,
that's the Chinese leopard.

The way they made him go crazy
is they put air tubes
along the baseboard of the room

and they would shoot compressed air.
These tubes would spin
and made a very high-pitched sound

and that sound would
drive these animals crazy.

That's how they would aggravate them
and made them active.

The tendency of a big cat
in a situation like this

is to go catatonic,
just get in a corner and hide.
That won't do, so you need some device
to aggravate them.

It's the whistling sound that does it.
The nice thing about
working with animals

is that you don't have to worry about
talking to their agents

or getting them out of their trailer.
When they wanna work, they work,
when they don't, they don't.

This is not New Orleans,
looking over John's shoulder,
this is again the stage.

We had to have control over that cat.
This is the Chinese leopard
and this was a crazy animal.

He could not be trained
or instructed in any way.

The earlier ones
were mountain lions dyed black

cos they could go from place to place.
But mountain lions don't have
the same face and don't have...

That's a mountain lion and now
we're back with the Chinese leopard,

who goes really crazy.
