Cat People

We used the New Orleans Zoo,
but you have to have
such total control of the environment,

that, in the end, you had to build a zoo,
or buy out a zoo.
It's cheaper to build one.
I love this shot,
it's the "ages of man" shot.

It starts looking at Miss Kinski,
and then drops down to the top tier here,
where the secretaries work,
and then below the secretaries
at the next level of evolution,

are the primates,
and then finally down to the leopards.
And then our character enters back in.
Of course, it's quite wild
and thoroughly implausible

to have secretaries
working above animals,

but that's the fun of movies
and the fun of building,

you can build your own zoo where
secretaries work on top of animals.

This is an early role
for John Larroquette,

before he became a TV star.
And Annette,
in her very all-American way,

is an ideal counterpart to Nastassia.
