Cat People

I think
coming up is one of the most beautiful
singles on Nastassia.
I don't know whether it was the light
or the day or whatever it was but...
This shot right here, if I remember right.
The story has been told and repeated
but I did get involved with Nastassia
in the shooting of this,

which complicated my life enormously.
Maybe that's about all
we need to say about that subject.

This was the first film
I directed that I didn't write.

I had just figured out how to direct,
the first two films -
Blue Collar and Hardcore -

I was just trying to survive.
By the time I did Gigolo I got a notion of
what it meant to think visually.

And a lot of that was being
influenced by Mr Scarfiotti

and I sort of went to school
at his visual school.

I like this shot here, you start inside,
back, and dolly down the street -
