Cat People

Obviously, this was a show
that was pretty heavy on special effects.

Here's the triumphant real leopard.
A kind of little surreal, magical shot.
In the pre-digital era you were stuck,
in many cases,

trying to do things in real time
and you couldn't go back
and clean them up.

Here is a very Scarfiotti detail.
This is a set he built.
Underneath that tarp
is a priceless, old, vintage MG,

which we never see.
That kind of thing tickled him -
put a beautiful MG under there
but let's never look at it.

Here's a shot coming up
from Conformist.

It's where you go on a Dutch
and you use the opening of a gate
to skew you back to the horizontal.

In Conformist, that angle is used
at Trintignant's mother's house.

When he goes there and opens the gate
it goes from the skew to the horizontal.
John and I didn't fool around
too much with gels here.

I mean in this film, but in this case
we decided to have a little fun

and break out the lime gels.
Those shadows on the walls
are simply pieces of tape

put up to create an interesting effect.
