
Should reach the Gulf of Kara soon.
Visibility's bad.

Just turned you guys on.
Let's hope it works.

We've got company.
Single aircraft to the starboard.
Likely a Badger,
reconnaissance class.

Taking her up.
I doubt if she'll see me.

I've got three ground missiles
homing in on my exhaust.

Have to make the Badger
hotter than me.

Contact time: Nine seconds.
Weapons armed.
Five seconds to contact.

Four seconds.
Firing system locked in.

Two seconds.
It's going to work.
Well, that's it.
We might as well go home.

- We don't know.
- The hell we don't know!

An explosion over the Kara Gulf.
Wycombe hears it. We report it.

We don't know he's lost!
And the codes we intercepted between
Bilyarsk and the Firechain stations?

They got him.
They blew him right out of the sky!

I don't know.
That could mean they didn't.
I think that we should notify Mother 1
to begin transmitting the signal.
