Instruct the Riga
to hold her position.
Send an alert to all ships
of the Red Banner Fleet.
Prepare and give them the alteration
of Gant's suspected course.
What is the prediction
of Gant's fuel supply?
The computer predicts
less than 320 kilometers, sir.
- What are your thoughts, general?
- I am thinking, first secretary...
...that he won't reach the polar pack.
He'll have to fly very low and at
reduced speeds to conserve fuel.
On his present course, he will be in
range of the missile cruiser Riga.
I'm on reserve tanks.
Switched in a few minutes ago.
Don't know how much time I've got left.
Not much, I suppose.
Mother 1 never made it.
Let's just say we gave it
one hell of a try.
Missile cruiser, contact dead ahead.
- Target is not taking avoiding action.
- He will.
Too low on fuel to
take evasive action.
I'm going in. Let's see
what this baby can do.
Now you come.
Homing device just activated.
Estimated 1-4-0 miles out.
ECM picking up infrared detection
beams. They've got me locked on.
I'm coming in at 20 feet.
Weapons system armed.
Rear defense system engaged.
I hope it burns up the sky.
There she is.
Picking up choppers.
I'll take one out.