Come, come, Vladimirov.
Is it so difficult to accept?
You were simply matched against
inferior minds. And you have won.
There is no runway made of ice.
There is no mystical beast
waiting to save the American.
They are here! Now...
...order all units into the North Cape
area! Everything you have!
We have a surface radar contact
to the south of us.
Sixty miles out, constant bearing,
on a collision course.
- Any idea who it is?
- Too far for an image.
The cruiser I flew over.
They should be headed for the decoy!
Maybe they're supposed to be,
but someone's been on my back.
If we can see them,
they damn well can see us!
Sir! The Riga is picking up
a radar contact...
...which is too strong to be just ice.
It is showing just short of
the permanent pack...
...but in direct line with the
American's reported flight path.
And they are awaiting orders.
In my estimation, this contact
is worth investigation.
In your estimation?
I think I know how they
intend to refuel the MiG at sea.
They have used... Are using
a large ice floe as a runway.
The refueling ship is a submarine.
The Riga has made contact.
The aircraft has landed, Vladimirov?
Yes, the aircraft has landed.
How would you choose to
investigate this sonar contact?
Recall the Riga's helicopters
and send them to contact source point.
It would take 20 minutes.
Lieutenant Colonel Voskov reporting.