
Have you read his magazine?
But I think I'm going to.
Pull over.
This can't be the way.
Yes, I'm sure this is
the direction India is taking.

To think I almost got
excited by Mr. Jinnah...

...when all this was awaiting me.
We're looking for Mr. Gandhi.
-You'll find him under that tree.
-Thank you.

I'm anxious to meet this new force.
I try to live like an Indian,
as you see.

It's stupid, of course.
Because in our country...
:14:03 is the British who decide
how an Indian lives...

...what he may buy, what he may sell.
And from their luxury...
:14:11 the midst
of our terrible poverty...

...they instruct us on
what is justice, what is sedition.

So it's only natural
that our best young minds...

...assume an air of Eastern dignity...
...while greedily assimilating...
...every Western weakness as quickly
as they can acquire it.

If we have home rule...
...that'll change.
Would you, please?
Why should the British
grant us home rule?

We must take
the peelings to the goats.

We only make wild speeches or
perform even wilder acts of terrorism.

We've bred an army of anarchists...
...but not one group that can
fight the British anywhere.
