
:05:00 cooperate.
And that is what
we intend to achieve.

Peaceful, nonviolent

...till you yourself
see the wisdom of leaving...

...Your Excellency.
I said to him, "You don't
expect us just to walk out."

And he said, "Yes."
What an extraordinary little man,
isn't he?

"Nonviolence, noncooperation."
For a moment, I was afraid they were
actually going to do something.

Yes, but I think it would be wise
to be very cautious for a time.

The Antiterrorist Act
will remain on the statutes...

...but on no account
is Gandhi to be arrested.

Whatever mischief he causes...
...I have no intention
of making a martyr of him.

But now something worse is happening.
When Gandhiji and I were growing up...
...women wove their own cloth.
But now there are millions
who have no work...

...because those who can,
buy all they need from England.

I say with Gandhiji:
There is no beauty
in the finest cloth...

...if it makes hunger and unhappiness.
My message to you...
:06:53 the message I have given
to your brothers everywhere.

To gain independence...
