
Bapu, please don't do it.
What do you want me not to do?
Not to meet with Mr. Jinnah?
I am a Muslim...
...and a Hindu...
...and a Christian and a Jew.
And so are all of you.
When you wave those flags and shout...
:18:44 send fear into the hearts
of your brothers.

That is not the India I want.
Stop it!
For God's sake, stop it.
If you've finished your prayers...
...perhaps we could begin
our business.

My dear Jinnah...
:19:21 and I are brothers...
...born of the same mother India.
If you have fears...

...I want to put them at rest.
Begging the understanding
of my friends...

...I am asking Panditji
to stand down.

I want you to be
the first prime minister of India...

:19:43 name your entire cabinet...
:19:46 make the head of every
government department a Muslim.
