Honkytonk Man

Thank you.
I'm Red Stovall and I'm here
to do a few songs for you...

and pass the hat.
So you got any requests...

just sound them out.
Let's go, Hoss.
Sure you gotta go, Red?
I've got a room out back.

The boy could sleep in the car,
couldn't he?

I've got some more business to do tonight.
But I'll be back tomorrow night.
Come on, Hoss.

Let's get the show on the road.
Keep it warm for me.
- You got the board?
- Yeah, I got it.

What's the matter with you? You're
shaking like a dog shitting peach pits.

- Lf Mama knew what we was doing...
- She won't...

unless you tell her.
She might have to come
and identify our bodies...

- once those chickens start squawking.
- There won't be any squawking.
