
I'm absolutely terrified.
It's all the things that we don't understand.
I feel like the protohuman,
coming out of the forest primeval...

...and seeing the moon for the first time
and throwing rocks at it.

If I got killed, would I come back as a ghost
and get stuck in the house...

...like my sister?
Your sister isn't dead, Robbie.
If I got killed, could I visit her
and show her how to get back here?

You could tie a rope around me and hold it,
then somebody could come...

...and get us and we'd go live
somewhere else.

Some people believe that when you die
your soul goes to heaven.

When Grandpa was dead, I looked at him
on the hospital bed and I was watching...

...but I didn't see anything
go up out of him.

His soul was invisible, Robbie.
You couldn't see it.

But how come Grandpa isn't on television
with Carol Anne?

Some people believe
that when people die...

...there's a wonderful light...
...as bright as the sun.
But it doesn't hurt to look into it.

All the answers to all the questions
that you ever want to know...

...are inside that light.
And when you walk to it,
you become a part of it forever.

And then...
...some people die,
but they don't know that they've gone.

Do you think they're still alive?
Maybe they didn't want to die.
Maybe they weren't ready.
Maybe they hadn't lived fully yet
or they'd lived a long time...

...but they still wanted more life.
They resist going into that light...
...however hard the light wants them.
They just hang around...
...watch TV, watch their friends grow up...
...feeling unhappy and jealous...
