
But the authorities
never make mistakes

I'd advise admitting to everything
while you've still got time

Otherwise they can vaporise you
Just like they vaporised Colonel Wara
who refused to confess

And they told his family
he'd had a heart attack

But I've got nothing to confess to
So you'll have to think of something
you did wrong

But why should I have to lie?
Why should I make something up?
Why do they need a false confession?

You must understand
that it's not your business

The authorities
know what they're doing

There's a fierce class battle going on
The enemy could be lurking
where you'd least expect

We have to be on our guard
Any weapon that advances victory
is acceptable

Every one. You have to understand that
But I'm sitting in prison,
totally innocent

Why should I care about all that?
Listen, it won't always be like that
In five, ten years
when we overcome our enemies...

...our methods will change.
Then it'll be completely different

Wouldn't you like your children to live
in a different, just and safe world?

But this can't be done without martyrs.
It just can't

And would you agree to be such
a martyr and sit in prison, innocent?

I'm an American spy
A real spy?
But not subjectively
All my life
I've always been a communist

I am an objective spy
I was found out
and I confessed immediately

I don't understand what that means
It was like this.
Comrades from the Central Committee...

...asked me to take
a certain American around Poland

He pretended to be a communist
but later it turns out...

...that he was working for his intelligence
and I showed him everything

All our new projects -
steelworks, mines, airports...
