Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss, Die

What now?
I don't know.
What I don't understand is...
why he thought
I came from that doctor

when the vase belongs
to that damned Voss woman.

Oh, I'm sorry. I mean your...
I don't know.
Did your newspaper fire you?
You don't know.
Do me a favor?
Take the vase to her house.
Why not?
I've always wanted to see
what a movie star's villa is like.
Ex-movie star.
What if she's there?
She won't be there.
Why don't you go there yourself?
You could smell her undies again.

I'm sorry.
I must get to the office.
Work must go on.

And how do things go on with us?
You don't know.
I've been chasing a story.
But not in Kaiserslautern.
We've known each other
a long time, haven't we?
