
Those lesbians want your
balls because

they don't have any of
their own.

What is that? The hat you

Bought it in a shop here in
Rome. Nice, eh? It suits me!

Isn't it warm?
No try it!

No! - Doesn't it drop off?
Drop off? Yeah, at a quick
movement, won't it slip off?

Look! - That's a miracle!
Drop off?!

Your book is number one on
the bestsellerlist 12 weeks!

That's amazing, amazing!
Pleased with your agent?
Terrific, great, incredible

Come on, tell something
nice about me!

Tell me, where is Ann
my secretary?

Yeah, she's quite a girl
over here. 6 days over here.

She promised to meet me here
She's downstairs,

I didn't want them to think
you had an on to roach.

They love your books,
but they hate success!

That's interesting, very

Hey Bulmer, there was a
fellow in the corner.

He was - ah - well actually
he never said a word.

The tall thin guy?
Yeah, that's him!

Cristiano Berti, he's a book
reviewer on Channel One TV

he is a big fan of yours.and
we take the show with him.

Oh yes!
Haha Peter! -
How are you? Fine,
How are you?
- I'm great!

Peter, this is Gianni
Gianni, this is Peter Neal

Gianni will be an agent with
our rome office some day!

Now he is looking after you
during the time you stay her

And in the meantime you pay
more than promises, right?

See you tonight, alright?
So, I bought you a present
Peter! Just a little thing!
