The Last Unicorn

Sir, madam, I welcome you to my domain! My name is Captain Cully, of
the greenwood!

Oh, Robin! And Marion!
Friar Tuck! That's Friar Tuck there! Will Scarlett...
What is this? This is not happening!
Robin Hood is a myth! We are the reality!
Magic is magic, but the truth is us! Right?
Robin! Mr. Hood, sir! Little John! Will! Wait for me! Robin! Marion!
Wait! Wait for me! Marion!
It worked! It worked! I said "Magic, do as you will", and it worked!
That was a dangerous diversion, Sir Sorceror.
He's no ordinary hedge wizard, Cully.
I don't know what he is, ta tell you the truth.

Tie him up, and do you guard him tonight, Cully.
And in the morning, we'll see what's to be done with a wizard who can
call up Robin Hood!

Should be worth something, eh, Cully?
Yes indeed! We'll sell him! We'll both be gentlemen of leisure in a
month's time!

I don't even care!
Gotonius basni varsinisn basti gumtina crosti stormily hasti!
