The Thing

They practically
own South America.

I mean, they taught the lncas
everything they know.

So, come on now, MacReady.
The Norwegians
get ahold of this...

- and they dig it up out of the ice.
- Yes, Garry, they dig it up,

they cart it back,
it gets thawed out,

wakes up, probably not
in the best of moods.

- I don't know--
- Which one of you disrespectful men...

been tossin' his dirty drawers
in the kitchen trash can, huh?

From now on, I want my kitchen clean,
all right? Germ free!

Now, how's this motherfucker wake up
after thousands of years in the ice?

- And how can it look like a dog?
- I don't know how.

'Cause it's different
than us, see.

'Cause it's from outer space.
What do you want from me? Ask him.

You buy any of this, Blair?
