
Well, I'm going to bed.
Do you wanna hit the hay,
as they say on the farm?

I think I'll-- You and--
Both of you go to bed.

-I'll stay up.
-I'll stay with you.

Well, I'm going.
-Good night.
-Good night, dear.

Good night, Dad.
Sleep well.
Be good.
-Nice girl, isn't she?
-Very sweet.

I'm kind of glad Ron didn't come up.
You know I am too, actually.
-I'm sorry. Please, sit down.
-Thank you.

I thought you'd be more like
one of them "liberators."

You know, I'm not really
like the woman on the show.

I mean, it's just a part.
I'm not that militant.

Don't get me wrong.
I'm all for equality.

Women ought to be entitled to
everything and all, et cetera.

...sometimes I think
what they really want is to be men.

Like men are all equal
in the first place. We're not.

Can I get you another drink?
I must keep my wits tonight.
Well, always.
I remember years ago...
...there wasn't talk about
what a woman was, what a man was.

You just were what you were.
Now they have all this stuff about
being like the other sex...

:13:19 you can all be the same.
Well, I'm sorry, but we're just not.

Not on a farm, anyway.
Bulls are bulls,
and roosters don't try to lay eggs.

My wife and l, we were
married a lot of years.

People got it all wrong.
They say your health
is the most important thing.

But I can lift this house off the
ground. What good is it?

Being with someone.
That's what it's all about.
-Julie says you're not married.

Like another drink?
-You sure?

Yes. Well, you know what?
I think it is about that time.
