Wrong Is Right

- We don't hate the American people.
- Except the Jews! No question!

- And President Lockwood!
- No question!

Jack Philindros just phoned
from his car.

He suggests we alert the secretary
of defence, vice president...

...General Wombat...
- Do it.

The Post says Mallory's coming out
with a statement about Sally Blake.

Don't they know he's crazy?
He was crazy when he was a senator.

He was even crazier
when he was president.

He's crazy enough to be insane.
Yes, sir. No question.
The ghost of Sally Blake cries out
for American justice.

And what's President Lockwood
doing about it?

Bunch of raggedy Riffs over there
screaming, "Death to America."

And what is America's answer?

The Arabs raised the price of oil
four times in two years.

And they'll raise it again.
And what are we going to do
about that?

Four years of Lockwood has
changed us from strong to weak...

...from proud to puny,
from fearless to faceless.

Is that what you want?
Are you ready to march
with Mallory?

That poor young woman.
- Oh, Sally Blake.
- Terrible, terrible.

They say she was my enemy.
