Wrong Is Right

Are you accusing anyone
of his murder?

- I never said it was murder.
- Certainly not.

- You question suicide?
- Yes.

No comment.
Are you accusing anyone
of his murder?

What are you trying to prove?
- Everybody says suicide.
- I just can't accept it.

Well, that makes it murder.
That makes it even better.

Only if you're right. If you're wrong,
it could be slander.

It could be libel.
Worse, a drop in the Nielson ratings.

Goodbye, number one.
Goodbye, period.

All fixed.
Pat, do me a favour, please.
Drop the crusade.

Go away. Go fishing, go hunting.
Make love. Do anything,
but drop the lost causes.

I hate fishing. Love love.
Welcome back, honey.
- Hi.
- Expensive?

She works for us.
She's a sort of reporter.

What could be news
in a call house?

Loose women loosen
men's tongues.

Who's behind it?
- Who tipped you?
- A John.

Private eye, ex- FBI.
Make us a drink.
Get me the phone company.
I'll take it here.

Big guy. Phone company emblem
on his back.
