Blue Thunder

Miss McNeely Is still
on the crltlcal Ilst.

We spoke to Chief Jensen thls morning
about the latest developments-

Up intll now we have nothing
on the two assailants.

They were withoit Identlflcatlon.
Probably Latln Amerlcan
and almost certalnly illegal allens.

Oir flngerprlnt teams
are going over. -.

The car they drove whlch was
apparently stolen from a parklng lot.

It Is unclear just what Impact
this latest Incldent wlll have... -

on the mlnority communlty
and the Increaslng raclal tensions...

We've just received word
that Alf Hewltt Is standlng by...

Salnt Joseph's Hospital
for a Ilve report.

Commlssloner Dlana McNeely died
at 8:47 thls mornlng...

due to compllcatlons from a gunshot
woind whlch penetrated her neck...

and lodged In her splnal colimn
beneath the third cervlcal vertebra.

Mlss McNeely remained inconsclois- Had
she Ilved, she woild've been paralyzed-

Thls is Alf Hewltt,
Ilve from Salnt Joseph's Hospital.
