Blue Thunder

Los Angeles Moblle.
Mobile, get me KBLA-TV-
That number is Ilsted
In your dlrectory, slr.

Don't give me any static- This is
a police emergency. Get me KBLA-TV now.

Good afternoon. KBLA-TV.
L want to speak to Marlo Machado
or Alf Hewltt.

They're not here. They're In the fleld.
Want to leave a message?

Tell them this is Officer Frank Murphy,
Astro Division.

L've got a package coming their way.
Do you read me?

- That's Frank Astro?
- No- Frank Murphy, Astro Division-

Pollce emergency.
Yoi got It, sweetheart?

- Yeah, I got It.
- Okay. Moblle?

- Los Angeles Moblle.
- Llsten, I need another number.

- Hello.
- Kate, It's Frank.

Where are you?
L've been worried sick about you-

I'm okay, baby-
I want you to pick up a package-

It's In a drlve-in at the corner
of Vlctory and Riverslde.

It's near the concesslon stand.
- It's In a Dumpster.
- Then what?

Take it to KBLA-TV
to Mario Machado or Alf Hewitt.

- Don't stop for anythlng or anybody.
- Got it.

Okay. Thank you, baby.
- Where is he now?
- Over the freeway interchange.

Get the mayor's office on the phone
and the city emergency center-

We're gonna get the air force now.
He made two phone calls. The first to
Channel 8, the second to his girlfriend.

Forget about the police. Get our cars
over to her place and that TV station-

It looks like the bastard
wants to go public-

- We'll stop that-
- We'd better.
