Blue Thunder

Sir, I've got to get this tape
to Mr. Machado or "Abe" Hewitt.

- They're very busy-
- It's important. It's from Frank Murphy.

There's a crazy man in a helicopter-
If you'll sit down,
I'll tell somebody you're here.

The most dangerous thing in the world
is a man afraid for his job.

L'm Dick Fisher-
I'll get that to Mario if you like.

- No, I have to give this to Mr- Mosher...
- Machado-

I'm his producer.
L'd be delighted to bring it to him.

L don't think so.
Can't we simply erase it?
Lsn't that what the bug's for?

We don't know the code number.
Then erase them all.
Why don't you give it to me?
L'll take it upstairs-

Because Frank told me to give it
to Mr. Hewitt...

Hi. L'm Alf Hewitt. You're the lady
with the tape from Frank Murphy, right?

- Your producer said that Mr- Machado...
- Who?

L never saw this guy before in my life.
Come on, let's go.

Not so fast. That's government property!
Give me that!

- Get your hands off me!
- Stop it! No!

Bill, get this bastard off of me!
You son of a bitch,
I'll blow your heads off!

Go, go, go! L've got the tape.
March Control,
this is Little Brother One.

We have your target.
Bearing 121 at 13 miles.

Request clearance to engage.
Roger, Lltfle Brother.
Thls Is March Control. Afflrmatlve.
Engage and destroy.

L repeat.
Engage and destroy.
