Blue Thunder

Very good.
Oh, thanks.
What time have you got?
You got about 10:30?

Been talking to Montoya, haven't you?
Well, he did mention
something about Encino.

I suppose you deserve
full initiation.

You might as well
have your picture taken.

Montoya thinks she's
some kind of movie actress.

Just my damn luck if they
had her working overtime tonight.

Those bastards.
Slave drivers.
That's what they are.

They don't care how hard
they work you, as long...

Oh, my God! There she is.
She's fantastic! Do you think
she knows we're out here?

All she has to do is look
out the window.

10:30, right on the dot!
If there's one quality that I admire
in a person, it's punctuality.

And flexibility.
If a person says that they're
gonna be at a certain place...

Oh, God!
How does she do that?
How does she do that?

Beats the hell out of me.
Don't push on the pedals!
