Blue Thunder

That's right.
- Two tours, was it?
- One and a half.

Why the foreshortened tour?
You know what they say about
a second chest wound.

It's nature's way of telling you
it's time to go home.

Tell us about this special detail.
A lot of people are looking
forward to the Olympics out here.

For a few short weeks, the attention
of the world will be on this town.

Every nutcase and terrorist...
...and crazy with a pipe bomb and
a cause is drooling about it.

That's what this detail's all about.
The potential for catastrophe.
We don't want any Munich
massacres out here.

Are you talking about
crowd control from the air?

Give that man a cigar.
That's been tried.
It didn't work out so hot.

- Where was that?
- Vietnam.

We added a few new wrinkles.
- Such as?
- You'll see, Frank. You'll see.

This thing has antiterrorist
capabilities. You saying it's armed?

That I am. That it is.
That sounds like it now.
It's illegal to arm
police helicopters.

That would depend on the
circumstances, wouldn't it?

A lot of people ain't gonna like this.
What do you call this,
an ''airbuster''?

The Special. But somebody hung
a nickname on it.

- What?
- Somebody hung a nickname on it.

Blue Thunder.
