Doctor Detroit

What a coincidence.
I will bring
the waiter over right away.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So he wears
this little sailor suit

And I do my best
"Flower of the Orient" number.

Like it's 1931 and we're
in Long Bar in Shanghai.

That sounds like fun.
Till we play
"find the gunboat. "

Isn't that the funny-looking
guy with the great legs?

Ooh, yeah.
Great legs, nice tushie,
I think he's cute.

Hi, honey.
Ah, he didn't hear me.
Hiya, girls.
I'm sorry I'm late.

Hey, you made it.
Just barely.
Ah, Bourbon, no ice, double.
What's the matter, Smoothie,
you had a rough day, honey?

Been talking business
all day long.

Just money, money.
Blah, blah...

And, everything is fine.
Girls, girls, look,
it takes a lot of
time and energy

just to cover our investments
every day, okay?

I don't wanna talk
about it during dinner.


Hey, Smooth.
Look, your old friend.

Son of a bitch.
Here we are, sir.
Yeah, listen.
You see the guy over here?

The four-eyed gentleman with
his nose buried in the book?

The guy with
the seat-cover sport jacket.

Yes, sir.
I wanna buy him a drink.
Yes, sir.
No, uh, I wanna
buy him dinner.

Very good, sir.
Chop, chop.
Mmm, generous!
Excuse me, sir,
but the gentleman

at the table opposite you
with the young ladies

would like you to
join him for dinner.

Really? I can't believe it.
Sell it, girls.
I wonder
what the man could want.

Homosexual come-on, maybe.
No, he couldn't be gay,
not with all those
beautiful women.

And even if he is,
maybe they're not.
