Doctor Detroit

One hundred years
of scholarship

and public service
shot to shit.

I've gotta go up
and get some winks

before my 11:00 lecture.
You've got a 9:00.
Is today Wednesday?
Yes, Wednesday.
I thought it was Thursday.
Excuse me, please.
Thank you.

Ah-ah-ah. Places, please.
Let's begin. Sorry I'm late.
We were discussing
the hero's role in chivalry

as exemplified by
the character of Lancelot,

based on Thomas Malory's
Le Morte d'Arthur.

Entranced by
Arthur's Queen Guinevere,

a knight of impeccable virtue,

faces a crisis
as his idée fixe
confronts his libido.

Any comments?
Mr. Frankman,
what do you think
of Lancelot's crisis?

Well, I think
Lancelot was an idiot.

Mr. Frankman,
how long have you been

in the first-year program?
Four years.
Uh, duty, selfless honor,
chastity, humility,

uh, purity,
a devotion to a greater good.

I mean, by now,
don't any of these things

mean anything to you?
All together now:
What is the chivalric ideal?
The chivalric ideal
is one of duty to a higher cause

in which purity and
chastity are virtues

and manly strength and honor
are devoted
to their preservation.

And justice for all.
Just let it out! They'll
get to your real feelings.

How does it feel?
Hey, man, I feel lousy...

I feel shitty...

I feel pissed off...
Violent, hostile?
Yeah, a little.

Great! Hit me.
Hey, man, I can't do that.
Look, you can.
You want to.

You... You... You have to.
I need it.

Hey, man.
What's wrong with you?

You getting a little kinky?
'Cause if you are,
it's gonna cost you extra.
