Fanny and Alexander

[ Echoing Laughter ]
[ Francis ] Yeah, play something happy.
Play something happy.

Yeah. Hello.
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Knocking ]

Okay, I'll get it,
I'll get it, I'll get it.

** [ Piano ]
- Hi, Christina.
- Hi.

- I'm a little bit early.
- Yeah, th-that's okay. Come on in.

** [ Piano Continues ]
[ Francis ] Yeah, I mean,
it's difficult for me to tell...

'cause I never had much
of a musical education myself...

but her teacher thinks
she's really talented.

And, um, actually, we were thinking
of buying her a better piano.

An exotic baby grand,
you know?

And when I mentioned "baby grand,"
do you know what she said to me?

[ Laughing ] She said, "Dad,
isn't that a contradiction in terms?"

I mean, she just never
ceases to amaze me.

I mean, she's eight years old.
Can you imagine?

She can already identify--
Wh-What do you call that when...

it's two words,
kind of cancel each other out?

Oh, she just amazes me.
[ Turns Off Engine ]
- [ Sighs ]
- Where's your mind?

I was just thinking.
About what?
About the way
you talk about Lisa.

You get so excited.
It's nice.
Well, I'm sure your parents
talk about you that way too.
